Post Events Online for Free

Get your events discovered

List your events on the world's largest event discovery platform

10 million people are discovering events of their interest every month
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Free to use for Event Organizers.

No fees to post your event on AllEvents. We charge a flat booking fee of USD $1 per transaction that is passed on to the customer. We only make money when you do. 

Easy to Submit your event

Simple, yet powerful. Easy, yet flexible. The platform is built for people of any ag and business at any stage. 

Global Event Discovery

Get your event discovered by your target audience. 6 million+ people exploring events on AllEvents globally. 

Built-in marketing tools

Promote your events and build your community with automated email campaigns and push notifications.  


4 Simple Steps to post your event

  • Create your event brand page
    Setup Your Brand Page
  • Event Posting
    Post Your Event
  • promote your event
    Get Instantly Discovered
  • Submit your event
    Track Ticket Sales

Optimized Event Listing 

Capture Leads & Sell Fast 

Create your professional event pages that are easy to share across all channels.

  • Beautifully Designed event pages that sell faster
  • Highly responsive Website Integration to sell tickets from website.
  • No upselling of competitors' events to your audience
Event listing sites

Email Campaigns 

Sell more tickets with automated campaigns 

Convert your ticket buyers into your email subscribers and sell more tickets.

  • Automated HTML email invites
  • Booking reminders to interested leads
  • Retargeting campaign with incomplete bookings.
  • Personalized message option to close more ticket sales

event email marketing

Robust Event Ticketing Features

 Free Yourself From Manual Registrations & Payments 

  • submit your event
    Unlimited Ticket Types
  • Custom event ticket  forms
    Custom Ticket forms
  • Promotional discount codes for event
    Multiple Discount Codes
  • Event Payment method
    Direct & Instant Payments
  • Event Email promotion
    Confirmation via Emails & SMS
  • Webhook and integrations
    Webhooks & Integrations

Analytics & Insights 

Take informed decisions 

Put your money and efforts in the right direction with event insights

  • Comprehensive event dashboard with real-time analytics
  • Know the most converting channels with UTM tracker
  • Download the data of your audience at any point
Post Event

Easy Check-Ins

Create a Contactless Check-in Experience

Delight your guests with contactless, easy entry to the venue, where they can escape the long queues. 

  • Event Check-in with all in one QR code
  • Ticket verification app for Android and ios devices
  • Avoid duplication in check-in & put an end to venue hassle.
easy checkin application
Social care

Support & Assistance

We are there before even you need us 

Get personalized support & assistance for all your events, at your convenience, via call, chat or email. We are here not just to resolve your queries, but to make your events successful.

Never wait for the payouts again

Direct & Instant Payments

Get payments from the customers directly into your account via PayPal or Stripe. We don't touch or hold your money. 

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Ticketing Customer review Ticketing Customer review

“Most Successful Event Ticketing Platform”

Most successful event ticketing platform to submit your event and get conversions. It is easy to share your event on social media. The nurture marketing is extraordinary; having the opportunity to follow up with interested attendees by sending personalized emails has a brilliant effect on ticket sales. The auto-reminders and push notifications maintain the momentum. Excellent support and communication from the team.  

~Lucy, As we Live & Breathe


We Have Answered Almost All Your Questions

Still have a question?

What People Say

  • I found this service to be tremendous. It was very easy for me to post event online as well as for my ticket holders. It allowed me to gather all the information I needed to increase my email contacts and also to make a smooth transition at the box office with names as well as email information and phone numbers. It allowed me to see graphically how I was doing with my event daily weekly and monthly. 

    Tarcisius Delfeayo, A Jazzin' Christmas
  • Awesome free event posting platform. I like how they collect people who are interested in the events so we can follow up with them on future events. My online paint parties sales have been improved a lot with all events  

    Michele Cahill, Pet Portrait Fun
  • Communication with has been superb. Fast responses and helped every step of the way right from the event listing to build my community. Of course, it helps to present an excellent event!

    The best platform to post your events!

    Francine Wolf, Pants Optional Online Comedy Improv Shows
  • has been a great platform to promote your events online for Free. It is easy to use and the staff is very helpful when I have any issues. 

    Kristine, The Eclectic Chic Boutique
  • makes it easier to add your event online and share your event with your audience, when other sites are cumbersome way too time-consuming. Super-easy and flexible platform to promote your event for Free. 

    Patty Naroznym, Hot Works Fine Art Shows
  • Love promoting my events with as they make it so easy to setup online event listing, search engine-friendly event pages, plus I am able to share multiple pictures.   

    Owner, AT Merchant
  • Allevents is an exceptional event listing platform, that allows the host and attendees to complete the events without interruption or technical problems. Also, provides excellent & automated feedback on attendance after the session, real-time analytics. 

    Lester Smith, Memorial Pike Tournament
  •  The listing of all my workshops has been so easy. Strongly recommended everyone to post your event on AllEvents. The forms are so easy to fill in, everything is step-by-step and everything is in place! It is so easy to get started. The picture and creatives can be uploaded easily. It provides a professional & designed event page that is easy to share on social media.

    The upside is there are follow up emails and notification or update email that is sent to all your subscribers once you have listed a new event. Email promotion is sorted!

    User in Arts and Crafts, Small-Business
  • I'm a grouchy grumpy grumbler and I have yet to find a single reason to frown, let alone grumble. Everything I have wanted, from downloadable registered e-mails, Email campaigns to a mobile app is available. I've just started listing events and the ease of use, 360 degrees featured coverage and intuitive UX are so far unmatched.  

    Sid K, Founder
  • My Events are getting noticed and I am able to make revenue. AllEvents is the most helpful about lead generation for events online. I am able to get information from my potential clients by using AllEvents as a promotional tool. Strongly recommend AllEvents to promote your event.  

    Keziah K, TV and Documentary Producer
  • The fact that people from other provinces can reserve their tickets for my event without being here physically, I also began to explore issue ticketing feature where I can sell tickets online without a person being online, so this literally saved my expenses on ticket printing, It aligns to 4IR and enable me to keep track of my ticket sales on a daily basis, at the door, I simply scan the code then give the patrons their wristband without any risk of fraud. Good for online and offline ticketing experience. 

    Keamogetse Kenneth N.
Runs on Unicorn Platform