Planning ahead for what a successful event should look like is far more crucial. You should be aware of what constitutes event success for your event. Then, after the event is over, you can evaluate the success of the criteria you outlined throughout the planning. There are various more elements that influence whether or not your event was a success, in addition to ticket sales. Is your event well-received by attendees? Will they want to come to your event again in the future? Was there any value in your event? These minor details are just as significant as your event’s ticket sales.
Importance of Event Evaluation

Firstly, there are a lot of things when you are thinking of event evaluations like budget event planning, pre, and post-event surveys, follow-up emails, sponsors responses, ticket sales, and event profit/loss. However, these are vital parts of the event because this will eventually help event organizers to host an improvised next event in the future.
- People will be more willing to share their experiences if data is collected through surveys and feedback forms.
- You may keep track of the number of people in your field. And then choose where you need to put in more effort for the next event based on the results and event evaluation.
- It’s critical to have some form of success metric to gauge the success of your event, because can nothing beats a favorable response. Furthermore, the information that you collect can be useful for event evaluation and target attendance too.
- Customize survey forms to meet your needs. An event app that is good with event management can assist you in this, or you may make a basic Google survey form.
- Follow-up after an event is important and with the assistance of software such as AllEvents.
- Furthermore, smart event assessment forms/surveys shall include appropriate questions.
How to Evaluate An Event
Your Event Goals
Remember how you specified your event aim at the outset of the planning process. After the event, you must assess whether your goals were met. Are you sure you did what you said you were going to do? It will assist you in creating an event outline as well as provide you with an assessment of the event evaluation.
Engagement Rate
There are solutions(event apps) on the market that can help you engage your audience in virtual events. Moreover, it can be via the internet and social media platforms. Glisser, Mentimeter,, and many others are among them. Different criteria for measuring engagement can be used for both offline and online events. The AllEvents app, which can be used for virtual or offline events, is another tool that can help you with the craziness of events.
Registrations for event success

Online, offline, and hybrid events are the three sorts of events. These kinds of events people are likely to attend. All of this would necessitate registration. Most importantly, as a result, registration is a typical feature of all events. This can assist you in evaluating event success. There are a variety of event registration websites that can help you with this.
Pre-Event Input and Post-Event Output
What did your audience take away from your presentation? Did the efforts you made turn out the way you had hoped? Did everyone have a good time? Surveys are the greatest approach to learning the answers to such queries. Pre-event survey forms will aid in preparation, and post-event survey forms will provide you with the results of your event.
Budget Performance to Evaluate Event
One of the most important components of event planning is to stay under budget. And then provide the greatest possible experience for your audience. Moreover, if you succeed in achieving this goal, your event will have a better chance of succeeding.
Event Sponsors and Brands
An event’s major focus isn’t just on the spectators; it also includes the happiness of sponsors and companies. You’ll also need to attract sponsors and brand awareness. Moreover, they may be interested in sponsoring you for future events. If they are content to keep the relationship and continue their support, the event was a success.
Enhance your Event

Social Media Engagement
As a matter of fact, digital activities can promote your event to a larger audience. To promote your event, start hashtag posts. You might mostly concentrate on promoting on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube equally.
- A countdown post for your event might spark the attention of the target audience.
- BTS (behind the scene) is a raw and authentic content. And a large number of attendees like viewing it.
- If done correctly, live streaming on YouTube has its own set of advantages.
- Create your unique hashtag and use it to identify your event throughout.
- Promote your event coupled with SEO friendly event marketing websites like StayHappening, HappeningNext
Ticket Sales
This is a pretty obvious approach to measuring the success of an event. There are a number of event applications available that can track. Evaluate ticket sales and raise them to meet your needs. These are the most important performance markers. They serve as the foundation for any event. Then there’s the issue of increasing ticket sales.
- Get the best ticket prices as well as numerous tickets at varying prices for different types of tickets.
- Early registration discounts and VIP tickets can help draw in a huge crowd.
- Using survey forms, keep track of returning clients and measure the interest in attendance.
After all, as an event planner, you understand how critical it is to have a well-managed ticket sales process. There’s a lot that goes into planning an event. And on top of that, you need to provide a secure place for your attendees’ satisfaction to purchase tickets. As a result, pay more attention to the process. These are just key performance indicators that need to be considered post-event for event evaluation.
Event Page Enchancement

This is the very first moment you get to catch the viewer’s attention, so make it count. Landing pages are almost always the center of attention. And if designed properly, for your event. It may well have a significant impact on a huge audience. It should include most of the information you’ll need to provide your guests. You can design websites on your own from scratch.
- Include information about the location and schedule.
- Create a section for questions and feedback where people can post their inquiries.
- Don’t just talk about bargains and discounts; also mention why customers might benefit from attending the event.
- Outline your event’s precise mission and vision, because attendee satisfaction is the prime motto.
Collaboration for event success
The major benefit of collaborating is that it enables the exchange of knowledge. To keep your event current, you can work with like-minded people. And the established ones in the market can help you grow. You can learn a lot and help your community. Improve for the better by exchanging experiences. Additionally, it saves time and minimizes workload. As work is separated into teams, employees are assigned tasks based on their knowledge and talents.
- While you’re working together, a competitive culture develops.
- You’ll also build contacts who would have been useful for future events.
- You can assemble the ideal crew for any occasion.
- Collaborations always benefit the other parties involved, therefore your efforts will never be in vain.
Event Management App
On the market, there is a variety of software and event apps that can help you with event management responsibilities. These applications are intended to make the job of organizing committees easier. Organizers can use event apps like AllEvents, Super Planner, and Magic Plan to create a detailed plan for their events.
This is a cost-effective choice if you have a restricted budget and want your event to be flawless. You can save some paperwork, which would almost undoubtedly save you money. The event app gives you an event analysis report that you can use to improve your event and accomplish what you need to do.
Last-Minute Push

- Promote your event in any manner possible to increase its visibility, whether it is on social networking sites or somewhere else.
- Referral programs are now becoming incredibly common, and this boosts ticket sales significantly.
- Choose an event theme that will draw people in and help you sell your event.
- Create unique content on social media to attract customers along with catchy taglines.
- To boost participants’ interest in your event, offer them discounts.
- Use ticketing software to your advantage. When that’s done, you can hold a contest to encourage people to attend your event.
Abhishek is a content marketer who specializes in ticketing and event trends happening throughout the globe. He feels that event marketers should easily find the information they need.
Hence, he is responsible enough to gather information and deliver the relevant guidelines to planners throughout the event industry.